BNSF Track: 600 cars
FXE Track: 500 cars
Mexican Customs: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-2pm
U.S. Customs: Mon-Sat: 24 hours; Sun 12am-6am / 2pm-12am
U.S. Customs Inspections: Mon-Fri: 6am-4pm
Available Interchange Times*: 7 days/week 4pm-7am
FXE Station**: 7 days/week 9am-4pm
SAGARPA***: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
* Since Ciudad Juárez municipal authority does not allow interchanges 7am & 4pm, interchanges occur without Mexican Customs presence.
** Customers can present bills-of-lading only during these hours.
*** SAGARPA permits can be processed only during these hours. SAGARPA may work an occasional Saturday at the request of the Mexican importer’s Customs Broker.
BNSF Mexico Contact
Brian Stoviak
Tel: 817-867-6175