[an error occurred while processing this directive] BNSF - Customers - RSS - Internet Explorer 7 Help [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Accessing RSS Feeds Using a Web Browser

Currently, all of the major Internet browsers were capable of providing RSS information to users. They all use the 'Bookmark' or 'Favorites' feature as the selection and subscription interface. The last browser to offer RSS compatibilities was Microsoft's Internet Explorer V7 in November 2006.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

The newest release of Microsoft's Internet Explorer (Version #7 11/2006) offers excellent RSS features along with a very easy to use interface. IE7 uses the term "web feeds" to refer to RSS feeds which are accessed from the Favorites Center. Adding new RSS feeds is faster and easier in IE7 then it is in Firefox or Netscape. Here is a short illustration of how you can subscribe to the BNSF grain tariffs using Microsoft's IE7 browser.


When viewing a web page that sponsors an RSS feed, like the BNSF 4022 above, the little orange RSS icon (circled in the illustration above) turns on. To learn more about this RSS subscription or to subscribe (set up to receive a 'web feed' in the IE7's Favorites list), click on this orange icon.


After clicking on the RSS icon, Internet Explorer #7 will offer this preview of the 'web feed' information (see the illustration above). After reviewing this information, if you decide you want to subscribe, you would click on the text (circled on the illustration above) that says "Subscribe to this feed". When you subscribe to a feed, it is automatically added to the Favorites Center and kept up to date. Your computer will periodically check for updates to subscribed feeds, even when Internet Explorer is not running. If you ever want to unsubscribe, just delete the feed from your Favorites Center.


The subscription process from this point forward is the same as adding any 'favorite' to Internet Explorer. In our two step illustration above we decided to create a new folder for holding all of the feeds from BNSF. Once this process is completed, the RSS feed is accessed just like any other 'favorite' on the browser.


When you open your browser and want to check if new items are present in a web feed, start by clicking on the gold star then on Feeds and then on the web feed you want to check.


After you have selected a particular 'web feed', you can begin to look over the information items listed in the RSS feed. Each listing represents an existing web page or document. In the case of this 4022 illustration above, when you click on a link you are transported to the updated tariff item. Two linking areas are present for each item, one in the item title (in blue) and another on the green arrow.


Some feeds, such as the BNSF 4022, include additional information that makes it easier for users to filter the available items and only show specific types of information. In the illustration above, 'Wheat - PNW' has been selected. Notice the blue dot circled in the bottom right corner. Only two items are now displayed out of 44 entries in the web feed. There is also a place for entering a search word, such as 'shuttle' and thus limit the display to just entities that contain that word in the subject title.

What News Feeds or Channels Can I Get from BNSF's Ag Products?

Currently, four channel or feeds are provided.

Ag News (ACRES) or http://www.bnsf.com/customers/ag-news/rss/bnsf_agnews.xml
BNSF 4022 or http://www.bnsf.com/customers/prices-and-tools/agricultural/bnsf4022/rss/bnsf_trf4022.xml
BNSF 4023 or http://www.bnsf.com/customers/prices-and-tools/agricultural/bnsf4023/rss/bnsf_trf4023.xml
BNSF 4024 or http://www.bnsf.com/customers/prices-and-tools/agricultural/bnsf4024/rss/bnsf_trf4024.xml

For specifics on loading channels into a feed read, see the instructions for the feed reader you have chosen to use. The most common way is to cut and paste the URL (web address) into a entry window on the feed read application. Another way is to use the OPML file web address (see below) which contains a number of news channels from a single source.

For any feed readers or aggregators that will use an OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) file containing multiple channels, use the link below:
OPML for BNSF Ag Products channels This OPML file contains the URL address of all four Ag Products' RSS feed channels.

Agricultural related channels of interest
 http://www.cbot.com/cbot/pub/rss/agricultural_news.xml Chicago Board of Trade
 http://weather.gov/alerts/  Link to list of weather channels
 http://rss.topix.net/rss/business/agriculture.xml. Topix coverage of Agriculture
http://rss.topix.net/rss/business/railroads.xml. Topix coverage of Railroads
http://www.nass.usda.gov/rss/news.xml General USDA RSS links
http://ars.usda.gov/news/rss/rss.htm  Ag Research Service, USDA
http://agnews.tamu.edu/dailynews/agnews-rss.php Texas A&M

For any BNSF RSS questions contact Greg Johnson at 817-867-6723, or send an .

Other sources for RSS news.