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Grain Elevator Directory dBASE File

Technical Description

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The grain elevator database file is in 'dBASE'* format which can be imported by most spreadsheet and database management packages. There are currently about 1,800 elevators records and the file size is approximately 500 kbs.

Fields included are:

  1. [NUMBER] BNSF assigned elevator number
  2. [ELEVATOR] Elevator company or lessee name
  3. [STATION] Station name
  4. [COUNTY] Name of county in which station is located
  5. [STATE] Two character state abbreviation of state in which station is located
  6. [FSAC] BNSF freight station accounting code
  7. [OPSL] Official railroad station list number from the OPSL-6000-series tariff
  8. [POSTREET] Mailing address street
  9. [POCITY] Mailing address city
  10. [POSTATE] Mailing address state
  11. [POZIP] Mailing address zip code
  12. [PHONE]
  13. [FAX]
  14. [CAPACITY] Total licensed capacity of elevator in bushels
  15. [TRACKCAP] Maximum number of 100-ton covered hopper cars that can be loaded or unloaded without a switch by the carrier at this facility.
  16. [SCALES] Certified scales available (Y/N)
  17. [TYPE] Type of certified scales (H=hopper, T=track)
  18. [SERVICE] D=directly served by BNSF, R=reciprocally served by RR other than BNSF
  19. [RROADS] Rail carriers accessing facility
  20. [KIND] If facility is also a port terminal (R=riverport, S=seaport)
  21. [LATITUDE]
  23. [GRAIN1] Largest volume grain handled at facility
  24. [GRAIN2] Second largest volume grain handled at facility
  25. [GRAIN3] Third largest volume grain handled at facility
  26. [GRAIN4] Fourth largest volume grain handled at facility
  27. [GRAIN5] Fifth largest volume grain handled at facility
  28. [MANAGER] Manager Name
  29. [LASTUPDATE] Last time information of elevator was modified
  30. [DPIT] Facility has a rail dump pit for volume unloading
  31. [SPLC] Specific Point Location Code - transportation industry geocode similar to postal ZIP codes

* dBASE is a registered trademark of Borland International Corporation

Grain abbreviations list for GRAIN1-GRAIN5 fields

BR - barley
CA - canola
CR - corn
FX - flax
MT - millet
OT - oats
RY - rye
SB - soybeans
SF - sunflowers
SG - sorghum, milo
SS - safflower
WH - wheat