flexibility is making it possible to move inbound drilling supplies to and outbound production
from new oil and gas fields. The supply and demand for crude oil are growing dramatically, and BNSF’s
significant investments in facility and line expansion have helped prepare it to serve these markets.
BNSF’s rail network is vast and readily available to connect domestic sources of oil and gas supply with key
areas of demand.
BNSF touches 16 of the top 19 oil-producing counties in western North Dakota and five of six in eastern
Montana through 1,000 miles of rail lines in the Williston Basin. BNSF has the presence and the network
including Niobrara, Permian Basin, Eagle Ford and the
Anadarko Basin shales of Granite Wash, Woodford and Mississippian Lime – and is positioned to act as a
gateway to the Canadian oil sands. By the end of 2014, BNSF will offer service from shale plays throughout
North America to more than 50 destinations that serve inland and coastal refineries and ports, through both
unit train and manifest service.
Crude by Rail
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